May 25, 2020

How to use iGPSPORT sensors to connect with the Zwift

Trying to maximize workout results? You're going to need a cadence sensor. It's a critical piece of data for most Zwift workouts because it helps you pinpoint where you’re most efficient. Whether you have a iGPSPORT sensors, following these steps will have you set up and ready to go in no time.

Connect your speed sensor to Zwift in just a few easy steps.

1. Attach your speed sensor to the hub of your rear wheel.

2. Log in to Zwift.

3. Pedal to wake up sensors.

4. Select “Search” underneath the Speed Sensor category.

a. Your speed sensor should appear on the pop-up menu. Select it.

5. Tire size defaults to 700c, the standard for road bikes. If your tires aren’t 700c, choose the correct option from the drop-down menu.

6. Scroll through and find your supported classic trainer from the next window that appears.

a. Select yours and click “Okay.”

7. You're ready to ride.

#SPD61 #C61 #speedsensor #cadencesensor
